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Halloween at Westview High School!

Even when I was their age nothing scared me more than a room full of high school students, so when Bryan called me asking if I would go with Aaron and him to Westview High School’s Halloween party I was more than a little anxious. Turns out that Westview has a Heavy Metal Club that meets every Wednesday and listens to metal records! We had a similar thing in my high school but it met everyday in the back of a ’69 Chevy Nova. So anyway, every year they have a Halloween party/ pumpkin carving contest and they asked the boys to be the judges.

Turns out I wasn’t alone in being terrified. As we drove in to the parking lot a weird quiet came over the car, until Aaron said “ I’m scared shitless. It was one thing when you’re actually in school and you’re young, awkward and semi-good looking, but now all we are is awkward.” Truer words were never spoken.

Just to try and get in the whole “High School Vibe” Bryan immediately got out of the car and ran off campus to smoke. I wish I got a picture of him nervously pacing back and forth keeping an eye out for authority types.

Let me tell you something, if you just put a little more acne and a little less facial hair on us, the first ten minutes of that party could have been in 1990. The three of us stood there pinned against the wall while the room full of teenagers had a great time, more-or-less unaware that we even existed. We were finally called out by a girl who said “Come on, join the party.” That’s when I knew we weren’t in 1990— no girls would have talked to us back then.

The first thing we did was go check out the banner that was hanging in our honor:

Get in there, take a look:

That’s right “special guests."
That hand rules too.

In case you doubted their commitment to metal:

Then I came time to judge the pumpkins. Here were some of our favorites:

This was my personal favorite:

It works on so many levels.

But in the end, the winner was:

I had these guys names written down, but I think I lost the piece of paper with that info on it. I know, total rookie move.

Thanks again for having us and keeping the metal alive.

We'll be back on the road Nov. 6th so check here to see if we are coming to your town.


Tour To Live!

P.S. Just in case you missed it, the boys are playing a free show tonight (Halloween) at Doug Fir with the best band in Portland: The Bugs. Come check it out.


  1. Westview Heavy Metal Club!November 3, 2009 at 4:05 PM

    Hey guys, I just wanted to say that thanks for coming to our Halloween party at Westview, it was really cool to meet you guys. We will always remember that day. It wouldn't have been a halloween party without you guys. Everybody in the metal club really enjoyed you guys and appriciated all of you being there.

    Red Fang Rules!

    P.S. If it alright if u can post my name on the picture. Thanks!

    Andres Hernandez
    (the one holding the pumpkin)


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