You know the saying better late than never? This post very well might be an exception to that rule for the following reasons: 1) I lost my camera and all the photos on it. So I have to use whatever is on my phone and John and David’s photos. 2) Since being home I have had more beer poured on my face than a corpse at an Irish wake and remember little to nothing about the last couple weeks in Europe. 3) Compared to the road where all there is a van full of dudes that I don’t really want to talk to after a couple weeks, at home there is a couch and cable to distract me. 4) I took no notes about said last couple weeks because: 5) I am really lazy Wiesbaden, Germany 4/27/12 I remember this place! It was an old slaughterhouse turned venue. Those rods on the ceiling are where they would hang the carcasses. This is going to be easy. Winterhur, Switzerland 4/28/12 I got nothi...
blogs that howl from outer space