Okay, where were we? Slayer. That’s right. So, after all the craziness that was the first couple weeks of the tour we finally settled into our digs for the rest of the tour and met our driver Jens: Things you should know about Jens: The man can drive his ass off. You don’t want to eat his hummus, or he will kill you. If you’re a promoter that ripped off another band he was working for who happens to be at the show he is at, you best find a ATM because he will shake your ass down for all that loot. (Did that make any sense? I don't care.) After a quick bro down with him, we made our way to Interlaken where following a night of hanging with some road homies and watching some Rammstein… Wait, I have to say something right now. I, like a lot of people out there, have never given a good goddamn about Rammstein. Never got the allure. But after watching them live—HOLY FUCKING SHIT! I couldn’t tell you what one of their songs sounds like but their stage show ...
blogs that howl from outer space
Excellent choice! "The Rocker" is one of my all time favourite Thin Lizzy tunes. In fact just rocked out to it with a buddy of mine the other day.That said, I really would have loved to have caught these shows. How about a Red Fang/Lions mini-tour to the South.San Diego needs another good Casbah show.