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9/18/09- Seattle, The Comet Tavern

How are ya? It’s been a while. Yes, I have lost some weight, thanks for asking. And you—is that a new haircut? No? Oh… Enough of the small talk, lets get down to it.

So we went up to Seattle last weekend to play a show with our friends Saviours, I got all these amazing photos of Aaron juggling three Mini Coopers while breathing fire and shit, but then I left the camera at my good friend Manny’s house, so… Instead I’m gonna tell you about my last trip up to Seattle when the boys played at The Sunset, ‘cause I got photos from that and well, I’m to cheap to have Manny ship my camera down here when we will be back up there next month when we tour with Kylesa.

I took the train up on Friday to watch the Yankees play the Mariners with Sean Clair and Adam Johnson:

After watching the Yanks whoop up on the M’s we headed over to my favorite bar in Seattle, Shorty’s. For those of you who have never been, Shorty’s is a pinball players paradise. An entire room chocked full of games ranging from the 60’s to current day, cheap beer and a great spot for people watching. For instance, while we were there, there was a gentleman playing next to us with a rather large pair of unwashed Jynco Jeans who killed time between his turns hacky sacking, or footbagging or whatever the hell you want to call it, complete with neck stalls and crazy spinny foot tricks.

It was too much for Sean so he decided to ease the pain with a round of gin and milks:

Yes, it is as horrible as it sounds.

I have a feeling that's what got me drunk enough to order what could be quite possibly the worst wings I have ever eaten to our hotel room. They didn’t even include napkins so I had to make do:

We woke up the next morning and took a long walk through the city that ended up at my favorite burger spot in the world, Dick’s. You might remember Dick’s from such trunk rattling 90’s anthems as “My Posse’s On Broadway” by Seattle’s own Sir Mix-A-Lot. And just to clarify: It is the place where the cool hang out, at least while we were there.

My Girlfriend grew up with the head of P.R. for the Mariners and had gotten us five tickets for the Saturday night game three rows off of first base. Whitey and her drove up for the game and we all had a great time. Except for the people in front of us, they weren’t too happy to have a bunch a dirtbags breathing over their shoulders and rooting for the Yanks.

We all decided that there was no way in hell we were going to this:
So instead we went and watched the boys rip the roof off of the Sunset. They had to be home early the next morning, so they left after the show, taking Maureen and Sean with them. Whitey, Adam and I stuck around and took the slow boat home the next day stopping off at the casino where I took them suckers for a seventy-something bucks.

Not A bad way to end the trip.

Just a heads up, we will going on tour with Kylesa on Oct. 5th for a couple weeks so check the myspace to see if we are coming your way. We would love to slime up your couch and/or floor. Come on, you needed a reason to throw that couch away, don’t you?


—Tour To Live!


  1. Pinball? Cheap beer? People watching? Three of my favorite things in the whole Gah Damn world! I'm thinking the show in UT will be good times for all. So..... is the venue V2 or Club Vegas? I'm getting mixed signals from the innernette web.


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