Costa Mesa on the other hand will be a hard one to forget. First off Costa Mesa is the Home of Valient Thorr’s record label/ action sports gurus, Volcom and the whole damn company came out in full force. VT pretty much owns this town. Valient Himself is fawned over like a Greek god:
The photo looks blurry, but it’s really just the romance in the air foggin’ everything up. And yes he is walking around in a towel. Why? 'Cause he can.
After the show we were invited to stay at the Volcom guest house. Now I’m not sure about you, but when I think about a guest house I picture a quaint little one bed room cottage, maybe a picket fence… This place was a three-house compound on an acre of prime real estate in the heart of Costa Mesa. Not only was there a pool...
...But a mini-ramp too—in a fucking tree!
I was totally gonna shred it, but we were fresh out of Mt. Dews and Slim Jims so I couldn’t get extreme enough.
Tour To Live!
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